Zanginyan H., Ghazaryan G. and Hovsepyan L
Molecular membranology, Institute of Molecular Biology NAS RA, Yerevan, Armenia
Echinococcosis stands among the most dangerous diseases of human-beings and animals. Despite the increasing interest in this problem the features of the biochemical and molecular-biological mechanism of the pathogenesis of the disease, in which are formed on the level of the cellular and subcellular and membrane formations of tissue structures still remain little investigated. Taking into consideration the biological role of phospholipids (PhL) which possess high level of specificity in physiological activity, we can insist on the importance of the exposing of the qualitative and quantitative changes in the affected tissues. Material and Methods. An investigation has been made on lung and liver tissues of cows and sheeps, affected by echinococcos. The extension PhL was produced from the acetone powder of the investigated tissues after Folch e.a. (1957) in modification suggested by Karageuzyan (1969). The fractionation of the individual PhL has been realized using the method of one-dimensional ascending chromatography on silicagel plates (Merck, Germany). The system of chlorophorm-metanol-ammonium (65:35:5) hydrate dissolvent has been used. The spots of PhL were identified with the help of the corresponding witnesses (Sigma, USA). The mineralization of the lipid phosphorus has been realized in medium of concentric sulphuric and nitric acids with the further counting of quantity of inorganic phosphorus (Pynes e.a.,1997). The quantity was measured in mg of PhL to mg of the protein (Lowry e.a., 1951). Seven individual PhL have been identified monophosphonositides (MPhl), lisophosphatodilcholines (LPhCh), sphingomyelines (SPh), phosphatidylcholines (PhCh), phosphatidiserines (PhS), phosphatidiletanolamines(PhE), cardiolipins(CL). Result and discussion. With echinococcosis of cows and sheep the content of Mphl, LPhCh, SPh keeps increasing whereas the amount of PhCh, PhS and PhE decreases. In the liver tissue the decrease of the content of Mphl, PhCh, PhS, PhE and the increase of the quantity of PhCh, SPhM and CL have been observed. The increase of the quantity of LPhCh is connected with the decrease of the PhCh, PhS, PhE level. On the one hand it can be connected with the increase of the activity of PhL A2, which chips off the unsaturated rich acid. In the position 2 of the noted molecule of mentioned PhL, on the other hand – with the growth of the lipid peroxide oxidation process. SPhM content increase results in the growth of micro-toughness of the lipid phase of the diaphragm and in strongly marked increase of their hardness. Being the carrier of the negative charge CL and MPhl are capable to produce the ionoform function on the surface of the cellular diaphragm, in particular to affect the transport of the ions Ca. Conclusions. The results attained prove that at echinococcosis deep changes take place in the exchange of PhL in the lung and liver tissues, which results in breaking the normal functioning of exchange processes in the cellule.
Keywords: Phospholipids (PhL), echinokokkosis.